USDL is not available to residents of the US and certain other countries. Please refer to the Terms and Conditions here for more information.
USDL is not available to customers in the US, UAE (out of ADGM) and other specific countries. Learn more here.

The new stablecoin standard

Lift Dollar (USDL) is a US dollar-backed stablecoin with regulatory oversight that distributes yield generated from US dollar deposits, US Treasuries and other cash equivalent assets.

APY: 5.0%*

*This is the rate set by Paxos International in the USDL smart contract as of 06-05-2024 and is subject to change.
USDL is issued by Paxos International with strict prudential oversight from its regulator, the Financial Services Regulatory Authority (FSRA) of Abu Dhabi Global Market (ADGM).

Reserves are held in segregated accounts under the safe protection and custody requirements of Paxos International’s regulator.
USDL gives eligible businesses direct access to both US dollars and yield from US Treasures and other cash equivalent assets from outside the US.
Seamlessly manage and optimize your corporate treasury function with easy conversions from fiat and other stablecoins to USDL.

Your dollars are safe by design

Financial regulator oversight.
USDL is issued by Paxos International which is regulated by the Financial Services Regulatory Authority (FSRA) in Abu Dhabi Global Market (ADGM) ensuring the highest standards of customer protection.
Transparent reserve management.
USDL reserves are held in cash and cash equivalents. Audited reports of USDL reserve composition and yield generation are published monthly here.
1 USDL = 1 USD. Always.
USDL can always be redeemed from Paxos International at a rate of 1 USDL = 1 US dollar. USDL’s cash reserves are held in segregated accounts for the benefit of its holders.

How does earning yield with USDL work?

Acquire USDL
Businesses can acquire USDL in exchange for fiat or other stablecoins directly from Paxos International by setting up an institutional account. USDL is also available on various global exchanges and financial platforms.
USDL balance grows every day
Your USDL balance grows automatically using a smart contract method called rebasing. This process adjusts your balance daily to reflect the yield earned on your assets. To learn more about rebasing, read the white paper. USDL is an ERC-20 token that is widely supported by digital asset custody platforms.
Use USDL like any other stablecoin
You can use USDL like other stablecoins. Whether you’re saving, spending or trading you can do it all while earning yield.
Redeem easily
Redeem your USDL balance for US dollars at an exchange or fintech platform that lists USDL. Eligible businesses can redeem by creating a Paxos International institutional account.

Access USDL from Paxos International

Eligible businesses can mint and redeem USDL by onboarding and creating an institutional account. Benefits include:
  • Seamless swaps between USDL and other stablecoins
  • Guaranteed 1:1 redemption
  • Access via UI or APIs

Transparency Reports

USDL is issued by Paxos International, a regulated company that publishes monthly transparency reports.

Contact our sales team


Yes, USDL operates with strict regulatory oversight from the Financial Services Regulatory Authority (FSRA) in the Abu Dhabi Global Market (ADGM). Learn more about regulation here.
Paxos International currently charges an annual fee of 0.2% on USDL reserves. Platforms that provide access to USDL may charge additional fees.
Paxos International and the FSRA determined these types of assets as being either cash or cash equivalent and suitable to be used in USDL’s reserves:
  • Cash deposits residing in a bank deposit account
  • US Government Debt Securities with three-month or less residual maturity
  • Overnight reverse repurchase agreements overcollateralized by US Government Securities
  • US Government Money Market Funds

Learn more about USDL’s reserve composition here.
You can redeem USDL for US dollars from Paxos International at a rate of 1 USDL = 1 US dollar by creating a Paxos International account. You can redeem USDL for US dollars from crypto exchanges and other platforms that list it at rates set by those platforms.
Ethereum. Paxos International may issue USDL on more blockchains in the future.
Contact us to learn about creating a Paxos International institutional account. Once created, businesses can access USDL directly from Paxos International.